@isTest private class GenericTriggerTest { /** * Plain English description of what is being * tested and why. */ public static testMethod insertSObjects() { // Stage the test data. // Set parameters and expectations. // Which records am I using? // What do I expect to change or see // at the end of the test? // Validate pre-conditions. // Impersonate another user // if appropriate. //System.runAs(null); System.assert(false, 'TODO'); // Start the test. Test.startTest(); // Execute test operations. // Stop the test. Test.stopTest(); // Validate the results. System.assert(false, 'TODO'); } // static insertSObjects() /** * Plain English description of what is being * tested and why. */ public static testMethod updateSObjects() { System.assert(false, 'TODO'); } // static updateSObjects() /** * Plain English description of what is being * tested and why. */ public static testMethod deleteSObjects() { System.assert(false, 'TODO'); } // static deleteSObjects() } // private class GenericTriggerTest
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