public Boolean isCitizenshipCountryUnitedStates {
get {
return stdCtrler.getRecord().get('Citizenship_Country__c') == unitedStatesCountryId;
The situation I have is that I want to compare the Country of Citizenship specified on an application record (for custom object Application) to see whether the applicant is a U.S. citizen. Country of Citizenship is a Lookup(Country) field, with Country also being a custom object.
Without hardcoding the Id for the United States country, I defined a unitedStatesCountryId property as follows:
public Id unitedStatesCountryId {
get {
if (unitedStatesCountryId == null) {
ListmatchingCountries =
[SELECT Id FROM Country__c
WHERE Name = 'United States'];
if (matchingCountries.size() > 0) {
unitedStatesCountryId = matchingCountries.get(0).Id;
return unitedStatesCountryId;
When I evaluate the expression
{!Application__c.Citizenship_Country__c = unitedStatesCountryId}
in my Visualforce page, the expression always returns false. When digging a little deeper, I found that Application__c.Citizenship_Country__c
was returning 'a0DT0000006NIDM'
while unitedStatesCountryId
was returning 'a0DT0000006NIDMMA4'
! Visualforce appeared to be comparing the two values as Strings and not as Ids.Finding no Visualforce-native solution, I had to go the route of creating the isCitizenshipCountryUnitedStates property in my controller extension. Needless to say, this quirk in Salesforce does not make me happy.